Starting With Science
I have heard so many teachers lament over the fact that they can no longer find time to teach science in their kinder classrooms. I was of this school of thought as well. With pressure and expectations on the rise, it is overwhelming to think about getting past teaching phonics, reading strategies, and sight words. Not to mention starting algebra in kindergarten. Feeling overwhelmed by all of this, I rarely made the time to teach science and let my little ones explore.
I am forever grateful for my oldest daughter’s kindergarten teacher. She HAD FAITH in her kindergartners and CONFIDENCE that if she provided them with an environment and instruction that focused on the WHOLE CHILD, they would excel. AND THEY DID. Her class loved science and that year mine did too!
I found ways to incorporate reading, writing, exploration, and the Scientific Process. I began teaching lessons that were cross curricular AND THEY LEARNED – AND I LEARNED – AND WE HAD FUN.
Every year now a majority of my class (especially the boys) tell me in their end of year conferences that SCIENCE was their favorite thing to learn about. Their reading and writing have not suffered but BLOSSOMED as they have developed interests and a desire to write about things their brilliant little minds have fallen in love with.
Here are some of the examples of ways that I tied literacy and science together – scaffolded science journals.